For more ideas for effective messaging, download our prospecting email templates here.
What are the best subject lines?
The best subject lines should peak curiosity. Examples include:
appropriate person
quick question
meeting invite
LinkedIn introduction
It's also helpful to personalize the subject whenever possible. For example, if you're emailing more than one person in the account, you could name drop the others you are also emailing, i.e.: "Conversation with you and John Doe." Also, subjects with FWD or RE tend to have higher open rates.
You should avoid subject lines that sound sales-y or mention an offer. Also, don't ask a question in the subject, examples include:
50% off. Act now!
Our solution for _______
Boost sales today
Follow-Up (this was the #1 spam keyword in 2012)
Do you need more revenue?
Should I use a newsletter template or plain text?
If you're building your brand and emailing existing customers and opt-ins, then a graphically-designed template is fine. However, sending this type of email to a cold list is discouraged since it is usually marked as spam by the recipient. Instead, create a plain text email similar to a message sent from outlook or gmail. You can add small images such as a logo, but avoid banners and sidebars.
What are the best times to launch email campaigns?
Statistically, the highest open rates occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 3:30. Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 7:30 - 8:30 are equally successful.
Will attachments hurt my delivery rate?
Yes, attaching documents will negatively affect your deliver, since many spam filters are now blocking emails with attachments. Instead, you can upload the document to your File Manager and then insert a link to it inside the message. Click here to learn how.