As you send BuzzBuilder campaigns, it captures information on Email Forwards, Opens, Links Clicked, and Website Visited from your emails. Here's how to view a report on these statistics:
Within the Campaigns Dashboard, you immediately see the Statistics Overview.
Here is how to interpret each part of the reporting:
Open Stats
Total Opens: The total number of times any emails in the campaign were opened. This includes contacts who may have opened a single email multiple time
Unique Opens: The number of individual contacts who opened an email at least one time. For example, if you emailed 100 contacts and 15 of them opened your email multiple times, the Unique Opens would be 15 (since 15 people opened the email at least once).
Open Rate: This will show you the percentage of contacts who opened your email at least one time.
Link Stats
Total Clicks: The total number links inside your emails that were clicked.
Individual Links That Have Been Clicked: The number of different links inside your emails.
Bounce Stats
Total Bounce: The number of emails that could not be delivered and were "bounced" back to our system.
Soft Bounces: The number of emails that were blocked by spam filters.
Hard Bounces: The number of emails that bounced due to an incorrect email address.
Unsubscribe Stats
Total Unsubscribes: The number of contacts who were unsubscribed (removed) from the campaign. Contacts can be unsubscribed in 3 ways:
The contact clicks an unsubscribe link in the email
You manually cancel or opt-out the contact
The contact's email bounces due to an incorrect email address and is automatically unsubscribed by they system.
Forward Stats
Total Forwards: The total number of times your emails were forwarded.
While we can track who forwarded your message, there is currently no way to track who the message was forwarded to.