As an admin, you can send a campaign on behalf of another user, such as a Sales Rep.
To do so, the following must be done first:
The user must have a BuzzBuilder account
You need grant the user access to the campaign being sent. To do so, go to the Campaigns tab and click the checkbox next to 1 or more campaigns. Then click the Grant Access button, select 1 or more users, and Save. These users will now have access to the campaign(s), meaning they can send them from their account or you can send on their behalf.
To send a campaign on behalf of a user:
Click on a campaign from the Campaigns tab
Click the Send Campaign button
Either Drag n' Drop your file into the upload section, or click the section to access your list of files. Then click on the Select Sender dropdown menu and select which user to send the campaign on behalf of. Click Next.
As your .CSV file is uploading, BuzzBuilder will match each field to the corresponding field in your spreadsheet.
NOTE: the only fields you MUST have in your spreadsheet are Email Address and First Name. Additional fields that can be added include: Last Name, Company, Title, Phone Number, Mobile Phone, Fax, Address, City, Industry, Lead Source.
If your spreadsheet is missing any fields that BuzzBuilder has a space for, such as Last Name, simply leave the field marked as None and these fields will be ignored.
You'll have the option to either Send Now or Send Later:
Send Now: Email 1 will be sent immediately
Send Later: Click on the Date box and schedule the day/time you'd like to launch the campaign
Advanced De-duplication feature: We suggest using this when you have multiple users. This will prevent more than 1 user from emailing the same contact within a certain date range. For example, if you specify 30 days, then the system will exclude any contacts on your import list who were already emailed by any user within the past 30 days.