If you'd like to send campaigns to a specific company only, you can utilize BuzzBuilders search system to view clients by company name.

First you will need to have the clients uploaded to BuzzBuilders database, refer to this article if you have not imported your contacts yet: https://buzzbuilder.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000128894-importing-contacts-into-buzzbuilder

After you have successfully uploaded your contacts into BuzzBuilder, click "Contacts" on the left-hand side navigation pane.

On the contacts screen you will see the "Search" field on the top of the page, type in the name of the organization you wish to search for then press enter.

As you will see when we searched for a company, it will display the number of results the search has found.

From this screen you can now click the "Company" field, and it will then automatically sort the contacts by company.

Once you have the contacts sorted, you can then select each user in that company you wish to send the campaign to, click "Send Campaign" and then "To Selected Users"

You'll have the option to either Send Now or Send Later:


Send Now: Email 1 will be sent immediately

Send Later: Click on the Date box and schedule the day/time you'd like to launch the campaign

Advanced De-duplication

We suggest using this when you have multiple users. This will prevent more than 1 user from emailing the same contact within a certain date range. For example, if you specify 30 days, then the system will exclude any contacts on your import list who were already emailed by any user within the past 30 days.